
Bulgaria Betakes $42.4m Loan For Afghanistan

Tuesday September 23, 2014
Kabul (BNA) Bulgaria will not ask Afghanistan for paying up to $42.4 million of its total $50.6 million loan for Afghanistan to be paid between 1970 and 1980, an official said.
Afghanistan’s ministry of finance said the excluded money would be spent in strengthening some infrastructures of the country, particularly rehabilitation of the agriculture system. Dr. Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal who had signed the exclusion agreement of the loan with the Bulgarian Minister of Finance, Pardranov told reporters that the exempted money would be spent in agriculture and some other infrastructures. He added the remaining $8million would be paid by Afghanistan within 10 years. Afghanistan had been registered among the needy countries to the international monetary fund in 2006 and is still in critical need of the international community.
A number of experts believe that Afghanistan needs further reconstruction and development. They said efforts had been made for the country’s economic revitalization since the last more than one decade but, this was insufficient and not eye-catching, as the country has had power dams to be built over its own roaring rivers in order to get rid of imported electricity. They also asked the upcoming government to do its best to help the country stay on its feet in economic sphere. On if Afghanistan was still in critical need of the international community’s aids during the next government tenure, some people said the country had been heavily harmed in different fields, particularly in economic fields since the last 13 years, despites the money flow of the international community. They said the prolongation of the presidential election process and ambiguity of the results recently harmed all infrastructures, and while the next government is expected to be formed under an agreement by both presidential contenders to form the national unity government, should focus mostly on the country’s economic infrastructures. The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)’ aids had not cooperated Afghanistan to get rid of economic disaster, hoping it would embrace its expectation met through the upcoming government tenure.

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