
Person with Afghan Military dress Kill 2 Americans in Farah

Friday, August 17, 2012

Kabul (BNA) the local authorities of Farah province confirmed that two America Special Forces were killed by a person with Afghan military dress today.  This event occurred in the Balabalok district of Farah province.  Police chief of Farah said two America special forces were killed by armed men with Afghan military dress while training of number of police in Farah province.  After this attack the Afghan and American forces clashed with the attacker, during the counter attack he was killed and other police with an American solider were wounded.  The police authorities of Farah said that the attacker was joined to police forces 4 days back.  Attack on foreign militaries inside of the military contingents was increased and this matter cased anxiety of world society and specially countries which have soldiers in Afghanistan.  During the current year, 39 ISAF soldiers were killed by firing of Afghan security forces.

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