
Children; Builder of Most Beautiful Feelings, Loves In Society

Monday June 2, 2014
Kabul (BNA) On the advent of the World Children’s Day, recalled a significant question about why the children are noted as the most vulnerable part of the society, while they constitute up to one 4th of the world population, though there are an absolute dissimilarity among them considering their mental and physical conditions as well as growth, character and behavior in different parts of the world.
The situation of children living under sound, quite, secure and economically tranquil conditions, categorically differs with those living under harsh famine, critical disease and war-battered atmosphere.
Despite both possessing human force, but, some living in tranquility, enjoying advanced possibilities and capacity growth, are changing into a mature and strong individual, while the existence of some due to lack of enough essentials, are contrary linked to a mere loaf of bread. Their lives are being threatened by intense famine, outbreak of different diseases; illiteracy, annoyance, explosion, suicide etc. as well as they are fighting the worst life conditions to remain alive. Many of them are only the bread winners of their families, engaged in hard work from dawn to dusk across the streets and sidewalks to earn few money to secure their lives, while those still small and incapable to work wait for a load of bread from their parents who either are working for the government with insufficient salaries or vending merchandise along the roads, since the last several decades.
The children in our country are deprived of their childhood entertainments and funs, while in other world countries the children are paid serious attention and helped enjoy tranquility further than ever. So, they should be provided with enough essentials to find their cultural identity in the society, like those in other world countries. In order to help the society get reforms and provided with better opportunity for development, the children should be heavily worked and invested for the way should be paved for their growth and helped open their way for being as the next generation of the country.
A sound society can offer a vigorous and energetic generation for the country’s future through bringing up children whom will remain working for the country’s development, loom as the most trusted members of the society and vice versa they could emerge as the negative elements with awful feeling seriously harmful for the society. if the mass media, writers, experts and leaders of the households resort to nourishing the spirit of the children through their helpful programs and successful household arrangement, the had in fact worked for creating a workable and sound society. But, if they were abandoned to do anything on their own wishes and deceived by vicious people, they will actually emerge dangerous and distracting phenomenon in the future.

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