
Deputy PM Kabir Emphasizes Strengthening Cooperation Between Government and People


KABUL(BNA): In a recent meeting with several tribal elders, Islamic scholars, and officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir emphasized the importance of strengthening cooperation and coordination between the people and the government.

The meeting was also attended by Nooruddin Azizi, Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce, and Sheikh Shir Ahmad, Governor of Laghman.

The tribal elders and scholars reaffirmed their support for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, expressing their desire for stability, the continuation of the Islamic system, economic strengthening, and a prosperous Afghanistan.

They emphasized that these goals are achievable only under the governance of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

For his Part, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir reiterated the Islamic Emirate’s strong commitment to the country’s development and progress, highlighting that the reconstruction of Afghanistan requires collective effort and cooperation from all.

As the meeting concluded, he emphasized the importance of reinforcing cooperation and coordination between the people and the government, highlighting this as crucial for the nation’s development and stability.


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