
President Karzai Congratulates Habiba Sorabi On Winning Of Ramon Magsesi Award

Tuesday September 10, 2013
Kabul (BNA) President Hamid Karzai in a meeting with Sorabi Governor of Bamyan congratulated her for obtaining the award of Ramon Magsesi, the biggest prize in the world.
At the meeting at presidential office, President Karzai told Sorabi that the prize of Ramon Magsesi is a valuable world award as it is equivalent to Noble prize in Asia and it is an honor that an abled woman gains such an honor for the country.
He added that Mrs. Sorabi is an active woman of the country, patriot and a servant of Afghanistan and for 12 years she has achieved immense services for the country especially for Bamyan province.
The president called the prized an honor for Afghanistan and added that he is hopeful that obtaining of such honor will be an encouraging example for youth and other governors of Afghanistan.
Mrs. Habiba Sorabi thanking President Karzai informed him about this prize and called a great honor for her and the people of Afghanistan and said that she will better serve her countrymen in future as well.
It should be noted that the prize of Ramon Magsesi is given by a foundation by the name of Ramon Magsesi annually to personalities and organizations active in rendering social services.
The prize is in the name of former president of Philippine who lost his life in an air crash in 1957.
Presently three personalities and two organizations have obtained this prize and Mrs. Habiba Sorabi the governor of Bamyan attained this prize for support of women, human rights and expansion of education in Bamyan province.

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