
Islamic Emirate Calls for Sanctions Relief and Economic Aid at Doha Meeting


KABUL(BNA): Zabihullah Mujahid, Head of the Delegation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, delivered a poignant speech at the inauguration ceremony of the Doha Meeting, organized by the United Nations and hosted by Qatar. The event gathered representatives from various countries and international organizations to discuss the pressing issues facing Afghanistan.

In his address, Mujahid extended gratitude to Qatar for its pivotal role in organizing the meeting. He emphasized the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s commitment to positive engagement despite numerous challenges.

“Our participation in this Doha meeting demonstrates our dedication to constructive dialogue and addressing the unilateral and multilateral sanctions imposed on our officials and financial sectors,” Mujahid stated.

Highlighting the slow pace of easing sanctions on Afghanistan’s financial and trade sectors, Mujahid questioned the fairness of imposing restrictions on a nation that has endured decades of war and insecurity. He pointed out Afghanistan’s achievements, such as the near elimination of poppy cultivation, which went unrecognized by the international community, further exacerbating the economic challenges.

Mujahid outlined Afghanistan’s efforts towards economic independence, focusing on job creation, poverty alleviation, and business opportunities for women. He called for the removal of sanctions, provision of development aid, and unfreezing of Afghanistan’s national reserves to enhance economic capabilities.

“The main solution to the economic obstacles of Afghans is to remove unilateral and multilateral sanctions and allow the government and people of Afghanistan to utilize their capacities without restrictions,” he urged.

The speech also underscored strategic projects aimed at regional connectivity, such as the railway from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan and the TAPI gas pipeline project. Mujahid stressed Afghanistan’s role in the North-South corridor and its potential for regional stability and economic growth.

He called on Western nations to engage constructively with Afghanistan, respecting its sovereignty and cultural values to foster better bilateral and multilateral relationships.

Addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Mujahid condemned the ongoing genocide and questioned the moral authority of entities involved in human rights violations to lecture Afghanistan on such matters.

Mujahid proposed forming working groups to address critical issues, including the removal of sanctions, unfreezing of foreign reserves, and providing alternative livelihoods for Afghan farmers.

He concluded by urging effective and productive discussions at the Doha meeting to establish trust and demonstrate collective commitment to Afghanistan’s security, stability, and prosperity.

The third Doha Meeting represents a crucial opportunity for Afghanistan to engage with the global community, seeking support and collaboration for its path towards stability and economic development.


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