

Sunday, August 25, 2019
Kabul (BNA) The 9th round of negotiation between America and Taliban with two different views, America talks about the presence of its intelligence even military in Afghanistan while Taliban insist on complete withdrawal of foreign forces from the country.
BNA military and social affairs analyst commenting on the issue writes the 9th round of negotiation between US and Taliban has started without the presence of Mullah Ghani Brother the political envoy of the group. At this round of negotiation the Taliban team is led by Sher Mohammad Abas Stanukzay while Zalmay Khalilzad and General Escort Miller the foreign forces commander in Afghanistan led American team at this negotiation. But Mullah Abdul Ghani Brother the political deputy has no presence in the new round of negotiation. Some Pakistan media have said that Mullah Brother without consulting the leader of Taliban had agreed on schedule of ousting American forces within 14 months. This lost the confidence of the leader on him.
This indicates that the leadership of Taliban is suffering from severe differences and in another hand political office of them in Doha has no required authority.
The 8th round of negotiation between the two sides ended with an agreement. Even it was expected an agreement to be signed but now it has been heard that America wanted to bring changes in some items of the agreement.
Withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan is a main demand of Taliban from America based on a schedule, while Donald Trump the president of United States insists on existence of intelligence of his country in Afghanistan and some authorities of that country consider the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan to the situation.
Mr. Trump considering the 19 years presence of US forces in Afghanistan ridiculous has said that a number of US forces are ousting from Afghanistan but a number of them should remained there.
He has also said that there is no any confident that Taliban be loyal in to their commitments.
America wants Taliban to guarantee that they would not use the territory of Afghanistan against America anymore.
On the other hand there are countries and circles that do not want American forces to be ousted from Afghanistan. Those countries to keep American forces busy in Afghanistan as before. For this reason they spare no any pressure on Taliban to have a firm stance on negotiation.
These stances demonstrate that peace process in Afghanistan is passing through a complicate path and accessing to peace still needs time and establishing new opportunities.
The Afghan people expect the two sides to be honest and politically deal properly and let the Afghans to be engaged in negotiation because only Afghans can settle the longest problem in the region and Afghan people take firm steps to restore peace and stability in to the region.    

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