
Establishing Of Effective Transportation And Transit System Necessity For Growth of Developing Countries: Commentary

Monday November 28, 2016

Kabul (BNA) Establishing an effective transportation and transit system in the region and the world is a major need for the growth of developing countries, an opportunity for establishing such a system should be seeking;
BNA analyst of economic affairs commenting on the issue writes international conference on stable transportation recently held in Ashgabat the capital of Turkmenistan with participation of President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and high-ranking authorities of some other countries. As the name of the conference suggests, the conference is seeking effective ways for establishing a stable transportation system in the level of the region and the entire world, the outcome of which will bring the countries together and lead to growth of economic cooperation among them. Afghan delegation under the leadership of president Ghani insisting on such goal, participate at the conference. Afghan president calling the building the infrastructure of the world system of transportation and urgent need for global investments said in next 20 years, investment in this section, would be the biggest investment in the world level. Mr. Ghani pointed out that stable and confidential transportation system plays a significant role in progress of developing countries.
The statements expressed in a time economic and commercial ties are crucial for improving diplomatic relations among the countries. The regional and international economic growth needs further cooperation and become available only when they set aside all rivalries and honestly extend the hand of cooperation to each other. The economic growth of the world countries without developing and building effective and secure transportation roads is impossible but unfortunately, some countries use trade and transportation road as a means for achieving their political goals and not honor the transit rights of others. Afghanistan is one of the countries suffer the most, because of that evil policy. However, Afghanistan as a country located in the crossroad of north, south, east and west has done its best using its geographical location provide the ground for economic and commercial growth of the region. The crisis that the region is facing cannot be solve easily but honest cooperation of the countries of the region would be an essential way to overcome the crisis and achieve the main objective of the peoples of the region that is eradication of poverty. Afghanistan is committed for such cooperation and asks the cooperation of the others.          

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