
Afghan Crisis Settled Only Through Practical Cooperation of World Countries

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Kabul (BNA) Tripartite session between Russia, China and America on Afghan issue will be held in Moscow today.
BNA political affairs analyst commenting on the issue writes today the senior diplomats of Russia, China and US will hold their second session on Afghan crisis in Moscow the capital of Russia.  The Russian diplomatic sources have said that in Moscow session the situation of Afghanistan, Americans’ negation with Taliban in Doha and prospect of starting process of national reconciliation in Afghanistan will be discussed. 
The sources insist that in Moscow session, on constancy of the new structure of negotiations will not be discussed; by the session is an effort for launching a peace process in Afghanistan and these three countries will have a helping role in that end.
The session of senior diplomats of the above mentioned three counties that have a key and effective role in international dealings can be effective in forming an international gathering for settling Afghan crisis.
Presently Afghan problem has been identified as complicated regional and beyond regional problem. For settling such a problem the role of big countries could be effective. Today there are many countries they are involved In proxy war in Afghanistan that are following their own interests that is the main reason for continuation of war in Afghanistan.  The problem also originates from the rivalries of those countries.
The dependency of armed groups to specific countries in the region and in beyond the region that have their own interests and use the insurgents for achieving their interests have made the problem more serious and complicated.
Because of this, the definition of terrorism and extremism still remained vague.
The variety of definitions from terrorism has fanned mistrust among the countries in fighting against terrorism and provided the ground for extension of war and violence.      
Also, the rivalries among big and powerful countries over Afghanistan have made the countries of the region more courageous and provided the ground for them to seek more privileges from great and powerful countries.
Today, the world countries have reached in to a conclusion that Afghan crisis has no way for military solution, in spite of this correct and reasonable way of thinking; the problem has not found yet the way for its political settlement.
The problem is this that the countries that have their own interests in Afghanistan, for solving the problem come the scene with their own agenda and programs and the main players in Afghan case due  rivalries among them, are not satisfied with the role each plays in the ground.
In spite of all of these, the true and active conception has found its place and everybody knows that the increasing threat of Afghanistan by terrorism can be curbed with active and practical cooperation of big and powerful regional and international countries. The three countries that are participating in Moscow session today can perform great tasks for improvement of situation in Afghanistan and restore peace and stability not only in to Afghanistan but in to the region as a whole, achieving  this great aim is only possible they ignore their rivalries and practically act for the solution of the problem.   

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